- Name: Donlashoni Cowley
- Age: 47
- Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
- Surgery date: May 11th, 2016
- Testimonial date: December 8th, 2016
- Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
Ok, my Trip start several months before my surgery Date of MAY 11, 2016 with WEIGHT LOSS AGENTS in Tijuana, Mexico It started with my attempt to go to local commercial clinic s here in the U.S. A ( 2 DOCTORS) TO BE EXACT. Dr. Kim, & True Results (DIDN T LIKE COST OR SERVICES). In which I had the worst experience and cried all the time. Both this doctor wants me to have the band even though I have multiple my co-morbidity (DM II/ Neuropathy) and fit the description to have to surgery but there was a concern over my weight of 198 lbs. I have a good insurance BCBS but it doesn t cover Bariatric surgery but will cover Hernia Repair. The other companies wanted to give the bear minimum but my health condition would not change very much and once I stop using device I would be back in the danger zone of my health. So I started looking at bariatric website and I came across several and many of the people on the site where talking about going to Mexica for surgery. Then that triggered me to start looking a YOUTUBE. First I start learning about all my options of surgery and a variety of companies that perform the surgery. Looking a reviews and YouTube members who have the surgery in Mexico was so EYE OPENING. I chose Weight loss agents even with SOME of the bad review (there are a few) as a NURSE I understand there is no safe world. But I also seen how many surgeries where successful and how many people where happy with their surgery & the outcome. So then I began my Journey: I start making payments to WEIGHT LOSS AGENTS, ORDER MY PASSPORT, BROUGHT MY PLAN TICKET AND SET MY SURGERY DATE. I HAD CHOSEN TO SAVE MY LIFE and there was no turning back.. On MAY 11, 2016 Wednesday I board airplane to San Diego, I had been on my two day liquid and protein pre-op diet and day 3 total liquid diets. Once I arrived at the airport in San Diego (9:15 am) I was feel a little bad due to low Blood sugar. I was supposed to catch the 12 noon driver to Tijuana, Mexico but once I spoke with the WLA rep. they had the driver come back and pick me up, they also let 2 people ride back with us. We went straight to the hospital then up to a waiting room were we meet with Dr. Mario Almanza which he was AWESOME !!!!!
Ok, now on the procedure. I went to the see the doctor for health exam, EKG, and blood drawn then down stairs to change into gown, pressure wraps and IV administration. I walked upstairs to Operation Room where all doctors where waiting. I climbed on table and was ask by the anesthesiologist it if I was ready I said yes and I was out. I woke up in the post op room and once my head was clear and I was stable I got up and walked down to my room. After about 2 hours in my room I decided to WALK, WALK, WALK to get the gas out of my system. The nurses where great and always give pain med, nauseation meds, ABT therapy. I really was never in any pain. I got nauseated about 3 times and I dry heaved 2 times. I was NPO the first day and the 2nd had ice chips and then went to the HOTEL (I love the hotel). The doctor visit and 2 nurse visit to change dressing brought liquid drinks. We met a lot of people I was with roommate that I meet online and we chose to room together which was great because we both where by ourselves. Love the Popsicles The 3rd day everyone in our group went to do the bariatric swallow (taste Nasty) Then we all went shop at that the mall near hotel. We had a great time!!!! We also got to eat Broth which was go good. Then 4th day May 14, 2016 we were back in U.S. A. at San Diego airport. Get though the border was easy not problems. I was back to work by May 16, 2016. I cleaned by wounds, I drunk liquids according to post op instruction, bariatric instruction that I got from other programs and bariatric research diets. I took ABT meds, Pain meds if needed (not need very much) and I drunk a lot of electrolyte/ power aid, gummy vitamin. I took out my sutures and maintained cleanness. By MAY 25, 2016 I FLY TO Chicago to see my endocrinology at Loyola hospital and I had lost 21 lbs. My doctors review the bariatric x-ray that where taken in Mexico and did some blood work. I was informed by my doctor that all my labs where great and I was taken off all my medication and no more DM injection. FANTASTIC!!!! I started walking every other day for about 1 -2 hours which I saw I was losing weight a little too fast so I slowed down because I didn t want loose skin. I was only eating about 3 spoon full of food but no headaches, no hunger pain, no need to eat. JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPT. OCT., NOV., PASSED.. 6 MONTHS LATER and I am down to 146 lbs. at 5 3. My last Doctor visit was Nov. 23, 2016 and I was going good all labs were good except cholesterol up a little because I was eating a lot of high cholesterol meat. My hospital has me seeing their Bariatric dietitian. I take gummy multi-vitamin, biotin, B12 shots, & tums.
I feel great and I can bend my knees, I don t feel tired (remember sometimes you will feel tired in the 1st months but just take your electrolytes and it will go away), eat properly you have to high protein, vegetables, and carbs (for your brain). Drink water & electrolytes (Gatorade aid/ power aid/ electrolyte packets). YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR SELF EAT AND DRINK. I still WALK for exercise & if I feel I a losing to fast I eat extra. Have cheated YES, YES.. But I don t eat the same; I don t like the same things, I LISTEN TO MY BODY IT KNOWS WHAT IT NEEDS.
P.S. I NEVER HAD A WEIGHT LOSS GOAL I JUST WANTED TO BE HEALTHY As I spoke with my M.D. NOV. 23, 2016 we decided a good weight loss for me would be 140 lbs but if I go down some more I hope it would be no more than 135 lbs hopefully I bound back to 140lbs. ideal weight.
And my son will be doing the surgery soon too.
* This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.