My Journey for Life *

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  • Name: Eva Espinoza
  • Age: 58
  • Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
  • Surgery date: February 28th, 2017
  • Testimonial date: March 6th, 2017
  • Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
Before making the decision to have the sleeve I read all of the testimonials on this web site. To be honest ... I still was skeptical. I am a very sick lady. I have degenerative arthritis, COPD, Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Asthma, GERD, High Blood Pressure and Steroid Induced Diabetes. Yes, wow! Making a decision to have this surgery was a matter of life and death, absolutely. Much prayer went in to making this decision.

I had my surgery on February 28, 2017, a birthday present to myself. The best decision I have ever made. I will tell you that from the moment I began talking to Weight Loss Agents, through my surgery prep and then to my surgery; Weight Loss Agents has been right there every second. After making my decision, I had asked my sister to escort me and booked two round trip tickets to San Diego. (found a great deal at 2 in the morning on two business class seats on AA... definitely the way to go...comfortable going home)

I arrived in Tijuana; the hotel and the staff were impeccable. One of the cleanest facilities I have ever been in. The staff at the hotel take great pride in where they work and make sure it is spotless. The hotel staff and the nurse make this journey easy to endure. Top notch nursing. I have been in and out of the hospital most of my life. Never have I had this type of care. Don't get me wrong. You are having surgery. There are blood tests, IV's, stitches: everything that goes with surgery. But the care you receive and the comfort level that they provide is amazing. If you have any doubts about care and safety ... erase those thoughts. This was a most rewarding experience.

They have a great restaurant on site that provides you with all your needs and serves amazing food for your guests. Your food is included but your guest will need extra money for food and the room. The staff there were lively and entertaining. They also knew exactly what you (the patient) were allowed to eat and drink. No question about that.

I would recommend this journey to anyone considering a lifestyle change. And it is just that ... a lifestyle change. Today, 5 days after surgery, I have taken no blood pressure meds or diabetes meds. My sugar level and pressure are staying at slightly below normal range right now. I am watching them carefully. But, the idea that I may never have to put those chemicals back in my body ... I can't explain how that makes me feel. I feel like a new person already.

Do this .... come take this amazing journey!
    * This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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    The time to regain your health is now! Shed those extra pounds and don't be camera-shy any longer. No more people simply saying "you have such a nice face". It has worked for thousands of patients of ours. Sounds good? Give us a chance to earn your trust and help you regain your health. We're excited about the opportunity to be part of your journey to health, and we're looking forward to speaking with you and helping you soon. Please note that results may vary and surgery involves risks.

      * The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.