- Name: June Jones
- Age: 56
- Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
- Surgery date: March 21st, 2017
- Testimonial date: September 21st, 2017
- Surgeon: Dr. Marcelo Hernandez
I did have my doubts, about going to another country to have surgery. There was no language barrier, everyone spoke fluent English, and was very professional. After coming back to the United States I went back to work, two weeks later. In hind site I can see that was way too soon. I should of given my body more time to heal, especially since I was an older at 56 years old. People would ask me how I was doing. I would tell them it's rough and I would not recommend the surgery to no one. But, as time passed it began to get easier (about 3 months) learning how much I could eat and reminding myself that I had surgery on my stomach and not my brain. At 6 months out I have lost 81lbs, my starting wt was 222lbs. Five years ago I went to Mexico to have the surgery and I backed out and came home. Now I know that was a big mistake. My life has changed drastically, I can move without pain, I have so much more energy. Now when someone is considering having the surgery I tell them I have no regrets, what are you waiting for do it you too will not have any regret