- Name: Ann Lorenz
- Age: 64
- Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
- Surgery date: January 22nd, 2016
- Testimonial date: June 22nd, 2016
- Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
I had previously tried many diets. I had lost 45 lbs at Weight Watchers in a year and gained it all back so this has proven to be great!
I am hoping to lose 100 lbs in all and really feel it will happen.
I still have a hard time if I eat to fast and pay for it as well as not getting enough liquids during the day. The other thing is my high blood pressure medication stopped working and I had to go on a totally new kind. I really though I would be off them but perhaps not. I feel good and try to be happy when the scale says 1/2 lb in a week and that is usually because I have gotten too busy at work and not eaten any lunch during the day and is usually around 2 lbs. or so a week and I have not been exercising yet.. Red meat, salt & pepper, strong based tomato sauces and grease do not agree with me at all. The drawback right now is I am losing quite a bit of hair(which they said could happen) and so I will be seeing if I can get something to stop or at least slow it down.
When someone says why would you go to Mexico for this procedure I just say the following:
I could afford to save the monies for it and if I mess it up in the end I have only myself to blame. No one has the right to say if I can or cannot have this done as it is my life and my body."
I feel very strong about this so if you are wondering it is well worth it and I have no intentions of retiring soon either.
Thanks for my new life!
* This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.